Home / Events / 2025 Chinese Cognition and Frailty Research Scientific Conference/ 2025 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Longevity Medicine Dialogue Summit Forum


2025 Chinese Cognition and Frailty Research Scientific Conference & Traditional Chinese Medicine and Longevity Medicine Dialogue Summit Forum

Respected experts and colleagues:

Healthy longevity has been a long-held goal of the Chinese people and is a common theme in many literary and medical works from China’s 5,000-year history. The idea of preventing illness was already mentioned in the ancient text “Huang Di Nei Jing” (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon). Since World War II, the average lifespan of Chinese people has steadily increased, going beyond the old saying that “few live to seventy” and now approaching 88 years.

Living longer doesn’t always mean living healthier. Cognitive decline and frailty are key issues that increase with age, posing major challenges for healthy longevity. From a scientific standpoint, the early detection, prevention, treatment, and management of cognitive decline and frailty stand as critical challenges in the pursuit of healthy longevity and successful aging. From the viewpoint of governments and community organizations, it’s important to create policies and plan resources based on solid evidence and predictions, while also taking into account the specific needs of the local population. For businesses, the longevity and anti-aging sectors present a vast market with unmet demand. In the next 20 years, effective health products, supplements, and assistive devices backed by scientific evidence will likely dominate the market by offering good value.

In light of this context, the National University of Singapore, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, and Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine will jointly host the “2025 Chinese Cognition and Frailty Research Scientific Conference”, inviting experts and scholars from the field of traditional Chinese medicine and scientists involved in aging and longevity research for dialogue and exchange, promoting integration and communication between Chinese and Western approaches.

We sincerely invite researchers, clinicians, managers, policymakers in the fields of cognition, frailty, gerontology, longevity medicine, and aging science, as well as enterprises related to health and longevity, to participate. The conference is tentatively scheduled for November 2025 in the beautiful Lion City of Singapore, hosted by the Nanyang Institute of Management.

The keynote speakers are tentatively confirmed as: Bruno Vellas from the University of Toulouse, Professor Yi Zeng from Peking University, and Professor Fei Wang from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Interested participants are requested to submit a 300-word English abstract and a 150-word personal introduction to: kaisy.ye@nus.edu.sg 

Registration fee: Individuals, SGD 600, students, SGD 450, companies, SGD 1,000, and companies sponsoring the event, SGD 6,000*.*Sponsors will have a ten-minute speaking opportunity and approximately three square meters of exhibition space.


Conference Co-Chairs:  Lei Feng, Chunbo Li, Qiushi Feng, Jintai Yu, Fei Wang, Xuwei Zhang

Scientific Committee: Chair Andrea Maier, Vice-Chair Kaisy Xinhong Ye