Accommodation & Pick-up
Are you looking for accommodation while you are in studying in NIM? These are some of the most popular types of accommodation available in Singapore
Pre-enrollment Health Check and other medical requirements
Pre-enrollment Health Check for international students is a requirement ensuring students’ health is in optimal condition. NIM has a clinical partner that offers quick and easy medical check up process to ease your enrollment process.
New Student Orientation
The sessions include an introduction to the school organisation and the key staff personnel in our institute and activities to provide a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that connects students to campus resources and people. The orientation programme acquaints students with institutional expectations and values, and promotes learning and discovery both inside and outside the classroom.
Student Support Services
Medical insurance coverage for all non-Singaporean / PR Students for the entire course duration
Pastoral counselling
Orientation programme for all newly-enrolled students
Pearson E-Book Access
Financial assistance scheme
Alumni Support
Scholarship for Outstanding / Special Skill & Talent Student
Student Council
Career Advisory and Alumni Activities
Accommodation Advice & Airport Pickup
Bonding / Social / Leadership Development Activities / Co- Curricular and Sporting Activities / Community Service
Pastoral Care Counselling
NIM has engaged the services of external counsellor to provide Pastoral Care Counselling for students who requires it. For existing NIM students who requires pastoral Care counselling, please contact for more details.
NIM has a Guidance & Counselling Centre to assists students to resolve personal difficulties and acquires skills, attitudes, and resources necessary to succeed at NIM and to pursue productive and satisfying lives after NIM.
NIM Guidance & Counselling Centre strives to contribute to the overall education mission of NIM by facilitating in the following four main domains.
Feedback Management
At Nanyang Institute of Management, we value your feedback and welcome any suggestions that you may have for us to enhance our service and education quality and standards. To ensure that we make the most out of your valuable feedback, NIM adopts a closed-loop feedback management system to gather and address all feedback and complaints received from all students, staff, and the public.
NIM will resolve all feedback within 21 days. Student service staff will acknowledge any feedbacks within 3 working days.