Home / Student Services / Student Policies / Course Transfer/Withdrawal/Deferment Policies
Course Transfer/ Withdrawal/ Deferment Policies

NIM manages student’s requests for course transfer, withdrawal and deferment in a fair and acceptable manner.

  • The maximum processing time for Transfer, Withdrawal, Deferment Process, from the point of Student’s Request to informing Student of the outcome in writing, should not be more than four (4) weeks.
  • All requests must be made in writing through the submission of the Student Request Form and any supporting documents. Verbal notice is not accepted.
  • For Students under the age of 18, written consent from the parent / legal guardian must be obtained.
  • All requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and NIM will have the final decision on the outcome.
  • NIM’s Refund Policy shall apply for all qualified refunds. Students are to refer to NIM’s Refund Policy and the Standard Student Contract for further details.
  • The definition of Transfer is when a Student changes the Course or Period of Study (from Full-Time to Part-Time or vice versa) but remains as a Student of NIM.
  • Conditions for granting the Transfer: -
    1. All outstanding fees must be settled prior to request;
    2. Student must fulfil the admission criteria of the new course and will be subjected to NIM’s Student Selection and Admission Procedures.
  • For Student’s Pass Holder, Course Transfer is subjected to ICA’s approval of the new Student’s Pass. ICA will be informed through the application of the new Student’s Pass.
  • A Student who transfers within NIM must have their existing contract terminated. A new Student Contract will be signed based on the procedures for executing Student Contracts.
  • The definition of Withdrawal is when a Student discontinues all Courses with NIM.
  • Conditions for granting the Withdrawal: -
    1. All outstanding fees must be settled prior to request.
  • Student’s Pass will be cancelled upon Withdrawal (last day of class).
  • A Student who withdrew will have their Student Contract terminated.
  • Students are not required to pay a Withdrawal Fee. The Student has to pay all outstanding fees of the current Student Contract.
  • The definition of Deferment is when a Student delays or postpones the Course (or Module).
  • Conditions for Deferment: -
    1. Deferment of a Course will only be considered, at least ten (10) working days BEFORE the Commencement of the Course, similarly, Deferment of a Module will only be considered at least ten (10) working days BEFORE the Commencement of that particular Module.
    2. Students can apply for Deferment only once and up to a maximum period of 1 year failing which the Student will be deemed to have Withdrawn from the Course. The Student will have to re-apply as a new applicant if the Student wishes to resume studies.
    3. Requests for Deferment Extension will be considered on a case by case basis.
    4. Deferment is subjected to the availability of units / courses offered. NIM reserves the right to offer similar units / courses in replacement of discontinued units / courses.
    5. International Student who is approved for deferment will be required to cancel his/her Student Pass as required by ICA and risk non-approval when applying for re-instalment. For deferments under 3 months, STP does not need to be cancelled.
    6. It is the Student’s responsibility to re-engage and write to NIM to resume their Course.
    7. The Student will bare full responsibility in the delay progression and/or award, and additional expenses.
    8. Deferment Fees may be applicable if it is a partner programme. The Student has to pay all outstanding fees of the current Student Contract
  • If the Student Contract is still valid, an Addendum would be signed to reflect the deferment. For terminated Student Contracts, a new Student Contract will be signed based on the procedures for executing Student Contracts.
  • The Student remains as a Student of NIM with a “Defer Status” throughout the Deferment Period.
  • Student will submit the Transfer Request through the Student Request Form. For Students below 18 years of age, parent / legal guardian consent must be accompanied.
  • The Bursar will check whether there are any outstanding payments owing to NIM. If there are outstanding payments, the Bursar will liaise with the Student to settle the outstanding fees.
  • The Refund Procedures (if applicable) will run concurrently with the Transfer Process below. All refund amounts and processing time will be as according to NIM’s Refund Policies.
  • The Bursar is to inform the Student on the conditions of the Transfer, after which, Pre-Course Counselling for the new Course is to be conducted by the Sales and Marketing Staff and the Pre-Course Counselling Form is to be filled in.
  • Both the Student Recruitment and Admission Staff and the Student are required to sign off Pre-Course Counselling Form – an extract from the Student Application Form to confirm that the former has fully communicated, and the latter has understood all information communicated.
  • Upon completion of Pre-Course Counselling, the Student Services is to seek the approval from a member of the Management Team. This is to ensure that the Student has met the entry requirements of the Course transferred into.
  • A written notification will be given to Student to inform them of the Student Request Status.
  • Bursar will inform the update of the FPS Status to the FPS provider at the end of the year.
  • For approved Course Transfer Requests, Student is to proceed with the Application Process of the new Course. Refer to Manual C4.1.1 Pre-Course Counselling, Student Selection and Admission.
  • Student will submit the Withdrawal Request through the Student Request Form. For Students below 18 years of age, parent / legal guardian consent must be accompanied.
  • Student must also fill in the Cancellation of Student’s Pass / Visit Pass Form. The Student is to provide the Student Services with their Passport and Student’s Pass. Student Services is to make copies of the two (2) documents.
  • Student Services will arrange the meeting between the Dean of School and the Student, and details of the meeting is to be recorded on the Student Request Form and the Management Team is to approve the request on the Form.
  • Student Services will give the following to the Admissions Manager: -
    1. Student Request Form
    2. Cancellation of Student’s Pass / Visit Pass Form
    3. Copy of Passport and Student’s Pass
  • The Bursar will check whether there are any outstanding payments owing to NIM. If there are outstanding payments, the Bursar will liaise with the Student to settle the outstanding fees.
  • The Refund Procedures (if applicable) will run concurrently with the Withdrawal Process. All refund amounts and processing time will be as according to NIM’s Refund Policies.
  • A written notification will be given to Student to inform them of the Student Request Status.
  • The Admissions Manager will cancel the Student’s Pass via the Online SOLAR+ System within 7 working days and print a copy of the Student’s Pass Cancellation for filing.
  • Busar will inform the update of the FPS Status to the FPS provider at the end of the year.
  • Where applicable, past attendance records is to be issued to Students who are enrolling in another course in another PEI.
  • Student will submit the deferment request through the Student Request Form ten (10) days before the Commencement of the Course (or Module). For Student below 18 years of age, parent / legal guardian consent must be accompanied.
  • Should the deferment period be more than 3 months, Student must also fill in the Cancellation of Student’s Pass / Visit Pass Form. The Student is to provide the Student Services with their Passport and Student’s Pass. Student Services is to make copies of the two (2) documents. 
  • Student Services will arrange the meeting between the Dean of School and the Student, and details of the meeting is to be recorded on the Student Request Form and the Management Team is to approve / reject the request on the form.
  • For approved deferments, Student Services will give the following to the Admissions Manager: - 
    1. Student Request Form
    2. Cancellation of Student’s Pass / Visit Pass Form
    3. Copy of Passport and Student’s Pass
  • The Bursar will check whether there are any outstanding payments owing to NIM. If there are outstanding payments, the Bursar will liaise with the Student to settle the outstanding fees.
  • A written notification will be given to Student to inform them of the Student Request Status.
  • The Admissions Manager will cancel the Student’s Pass via the Online SOLAR+ System within 7 working days and print a copy of the Student’s Pass Cancellation for filing.
  • Busar will inform the update of the FPS Status to the FPS provider at the end of the year.
  • It is the Student’s responsibility to re-engage and write to NIM to resume their course.
  • Once NIM receives the notification from Student of his/her intention to resume their Course / Module, NIM will proceed with the re-application for STP. If the Student Contract is still valid, an addendum will be signed, otherwise, a new Student Contract will be established between the Student and NIM.