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Refund Policies

  • NIM adopts the Termination and Refund Policy as per the Standard Student Contract as set out by SSG:
  • The PEI will notify the Student in writing within three (3) working days after becoming aware of any of the following (each a “Refund Event”):
    1. It cannot commence the provision of the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
    2. It cannot complete the provision of the Course by the Course Completion Date; 
    3. The Course will be terminated before the Course Completion Date;
    4. The Student does not meet the course entry or matriculation requirements as stated in Schedule A; or
    5. The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (the “ICA”) rejects the Student’s application for the Student Pass.
  • Where any of the Refund Events in Clause 3.1(a) to (c) above has occurred:
    1. The PEI shall use reasonable efforts to make alternative study arrangements for the Student and shall propose such alternative study arrangements in writing to the Contracting Party, within ten (10) working days of informing the Contracting Party of the Refund Event.
    2. If the Contracting Party accepts such alternative study arrangements, the PEI shall set forth such alternative study arrangements in a written contract and this Contract shall automatically terminate on the date that such new written contract comes into effect. 
    3. If the PEI does not propose alternative study arrangements to the Contracting Party within the time stipulated in Clause 3.2(a) above, or the Contracting Party does not accept such alternative study arrangements, the Contracting Party may forthwith terminate this Contract by way of a written notice to the PEI. 
  • Where any of the Refund Events in Clauses 3.1(d) to (e) has occurred, the PEI shall forthwith terminate this Contract by way of a written notice to the Contracting Party.
  • If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(b) read with Clause 3.1(a), the PEI shall refund all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid by the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.
  • If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(b) read with either Clause 3.1(b) or Clause 3.1(c), the PEI shall refund the Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees in proportion to the uncompleted portion or duration of the Course, whichever is higher, to the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.
  • If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.3 or Clause 3.2(c) read with Clause 3.1(a), the PEI shall refund all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid by the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.
  • If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(c) read with either Clause 3.1(b) or Clause 3.1(c), the PEI shall refund the Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees in proportion to the uncompleted portion or duration of the Course, whichever is higher, to the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.

Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Contracting Party shall be entitled to, without any liability whatsoever to the PEI, forthwith terminate the Contract at any time within the Cooling-Off Period by way of a written notice to the PEI. The PEI shall return all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid to it within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the written notice.

Without prejudice to Clauses 3.1 to 3.8 above, the Contracting Party may terminate the Contract at any time before the Course Completion Date by providing a written notice to the PEI. Upon receipt of such notice, the PEI shall within seven (7) working days, refund to the Contracting Party such amount (if any) as determined in accordance with Schedule D.

Student Initiated

  1. Student to fill in the Refund Request Form to NIM via the Bursar for refund with reasons together with the computation of refund.
  2. Bursar to prepare the payment history of the Student to the Vice President for reference along with a copy of the Student Contract and confirm the refund computation and amount (if any) based on the Refund Policy stated in the Student Contract. 
  3. Upon confirmation of the refund amount, the Bursar is to seek the approval from President / Vice President / Assistant General Manager, who will indicate approval on the Refund Request Form before the refund amount can be issued. 
  4. All refund amounts will strictly adhere to the Refund Policy as stated in the Student Contract unless otherwise decided by the School’s Management.
  5. Upon the approval by the President/ Vice President / Assistant General Manager, the Bursar is to pass the Refund Request Form to the Finance Department for issuance of the refund amount.


NIM Initiated

  1. Non-Delivery of Course
    • A. Dean of School to notify the Vice President on the status of the course after consultation with the President.
    • B. Student Service to send notification to students on the non-delivery of course.
  2. Rejection of Student Pass
    • A. Receipts of ICA Notification on appeal of student pass is through normal mail, whereby Admissions Manager will indicate date received on the letter.
    • B. Admissions Manager will notify respective Student Recruitment Admissions Staff, who will then notify the students on rejection of student pass.
  3. Processing of NIM Initiated Refunds
    • A. President / Vice President to instruct the Bursar to prepare the payment history of the student.
    • B. Vice President to seek approval from President for the refund and hand over to Finance Department.
    • C. Finance Department will notify student on the computation and collection of refund (to be completed within 7 working days of notification to student).

For cheque refund, NIM will notify the student via email to collect the cheque when it is ready. When the student collect the cheque, they are to sign the Cheque Voucher to verify receipt of the cheque.

For TT refund, NIM will notify the student via email when the TT transaction is completed. All bank charges for TT will be borne by the student.